Seeing through a glass darkly...

and some days are darker than others...

Location: United States

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Finally, an update!

Well, many of you have been begging me for an update, in my comment boxes and via email, and it has finally arrived!

I am pleased to announce that I am now a Ph.D. candidate, or Ph.D. (c) for short. I passed my last comp exam this Friday! That is part of what has been taking up all of my time!

It has been a busy summer, preparing for exams, a vacation to Michigan that included 2400+ miles of driving, and soon, a trip to Florida before I move back to Peoria for the year.

I will post more often going forward, but first I wanted to thank each of your for your prayers and friendship this past year. They have sustained me throughout the summer, and indeed throughout this entire Ph.D. process! It's not over yet, there's still the matter of a dissertation to be written, but 2/3 of the degree are done!


And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming which may include a bit about the move by the BOT of my Alma Mater, a woman's college, to admit men! Hey, I love men just as much as the next woman, I married one afterall, but keep 'em the HELL outta my school! I can think of at least one F word that could be attached to this situation. . .But I suppose for now I'll stick with the more lady like option. FIGHT!


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