Seeing through a glass darkly...

and some days are darker than others...

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Saturday, April 02, 2005

A Contemplative Feminist with a Rock-Star-Like Quality

The charism of JPII which attracted so many youth to WYDs across the world and has been described by the news networks as a "Rock-Star-Like Quality" is a charism that the world does not understand in the same way that the Pharasees did not understand the authority of Christ and his mission.

While this is surely a time to mourn it is also a time of great anticipation for the youth of the world. They have heeded the call to "BE NOT AFRAID!" Generations X and Y lack the singular focus of Generation JPII. This generation which has been shaped by his papacy have begun to lead the Church. They anticipate with great hope the naming of the successor of Peter. They also hold the Theology of the Body close to their hearts knowing that it is a ticking time-bomb of the love of Christ for His Church.



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